She looks good in scrubs, doesn't she? Her dreams of being a "baby doctor" may one day be realized!!!
Haddie was nervous upon arrival at the hospital this morning. I am thankful that she could communicate her anxiety to me. However; it breaks my heart, because I know this anxiety is connected to trauma much deeper in my precious girls heart.
I will never be one to hold back when it comes to the truth of what a child who lives without parents can experience. For Haddie, some of that truth has been walking through surgeries and scary procedures physically alone. We know our Heavenly Father was with her, yet there was no mama reassuring her that she would be there when she woke up, no daddy kissing her head telling her how beautiful she is, and certainly not the appropriate bedside manner a child deserves. As the nurses came to wheel her down the hall today, she asked them, "Is it scary in the room?" She was nearly panicked. Haddie's memories of rooms such as the one she entered today are filled with loneliness and fear. My prayer is that God will continue to heal these places in her heart that are still held in bondage to this spirit of fear.
She came out of surgery quite uncomfortable, and needing her mama. Well, when the green light came for me to go be with my girl there was nothing going to stop this mama! I was pretty much in a full sprint back to the recovery room. Words cannot describe how horrible it feels to see your child laying in a hospital bed. The color was drained from her face, her mouth was bloodied and her eyes were sad. I kept telling myself to pull it together, but I just wanted to bawl my eyes out and tell them to fix her!

They transferred her to the PICU right away. The decision to keep her in the PICU was purely precautionary in order to keep a close eye on her. An hour passed, then Haddie asked for a drink. She will be drInking from a syringe for the next 3 weeks, and this girl was getting that technique down from the first swig. She was a bit over zealous, which resulted in an upset stomach, but as I type this she is squeezing down a strawberry milkshake and loving every bit of it!!!

The nurses are blown away, and want every patient to be like Haddie. She is smiling, and being her usual sweet self. The doctor stopped in and he too was quite amazed at how well Haddie is doing. He felt it was likely that she could head home in the morning!!!! Pray us through the night.
All glory to God!!!

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Location:2 down 3 to go!!!